Sanitary measures guide


Health measures will be put in place by the organization to comply with provincial public health guidelines. The TD New France Festival has received a positive notice of compliance regarding the planned measures. Actions and scenarios to deploy on site at the event will be adapted according to the alert level issued by the Quebec government. These measures will be announced on the website and on all New France Festival communications tools, and they will be adjusted as needed as the situation evolves.  


Communications before the event 

-Leading up to the event, communications, via media platforms such as the website, social media and newsletters, will be issued to the public at large, advising them of the health measures the organization is putting in place for the event.  

-The organization will give a reminder of the symptoms to look out for. If you have these symptoms, follow the public health guidelines here or phone the COVID-19 line to get instructions (1-877-644-4545). 

Arrival of festivalgoers at activity sites 

Handling of social distancing: 

-Fencing or rope barriers to delineate the waiting lines where applicable, and signage reminding of the required two-metre distance between participants not living at the same address 

-Signage explaining the health measures to observe at the activity site 

-Hand sanitizer available where applicable 

-Staff on site to welcome festivalgoers and remind them of the health standards in force, where applicable 

Specific protocol for the various activities/services 

General measures as well as a specific protocol will be implemented for each activity offered at the New France Festival. 

Contact-free program activities 

-Set up of a specific waiting line where applicable, including a reminder of the health measures in effect through activity-specific signage 

-Hospitality staff in place to manage the waiting line and activity where applicable 

-For moving animation activities, social distancing of two metres from participants will be respected 

-Personal protection measures will be adapted according to public health recommendations in force at the time of the event 

Product-sale, information and ticket kiosks, sampling areas, mobile sales: 

-Set up of a specific waiting line with activity-specific signage to remind of the health measures in effect 

-Organization will give preference to online ticket purchases by implementing a pre-sale rate  

-Preference will be given to contact-free payment formats for transactions; however, cash will be accepted on site 

-Physical barrier (Plexiglas) between customers and service staff where possible 

-Applicable personal protective equipment to be worn by service staff 

-Hand sanitizer provided for customers before and after each transaction 

-Contact-free payment equipment to be disinfected after each use 

-Service surfaces (counters, etc.) to be disinfected regularly, every 15 minutes 

-During the implementation, monitoring will be done to ensure the CNESST regulations are respected 

Presence of symptoms 

If a festivalgoer, volunteer or employee develops symptoms, they will be asked to quickly leave the site and to telephone the COVID-19 line for instructions (1-877-644-4545). 


A health measures guide will also be issued for staff, suppliers and volunteers, including a symptom self-evaluation tool and specific training on the health measures put in place and on workplace health and safety standards.